FRANCE: A woman was forced to remove her 'burkini' swimsuit on a beach in Nice by armed police officers, a series of photos that emerged online Wednesday showed.

Nice last week became the latest French seaside resort to ban the burqini, the body-concealing Islamic swimsuit that has sparked heated debate in secular France.

The photos showed French police officers confronting a woman resting on a beach at Nice's Promenade des Anglais and asking her to remove the the 'burkini', The Guardian reported.
Four police officers stand around the woman as she removes a blue garment, with one officer appearing to take notes or issuing a fine. It could not be ascertained if the woman was actually wearing a burkini.
The mother of two had also been fined at a Cannes beach while wearing leggings, a tunic and a headscarf.
The ticket issued to her, seen by AFP, stated that she was not wearing “an outfit respecting good morals and secularism”.
“I was sitting on a beach with my family... I was wearing a classic headscarf. I had no intention of swimming,” said the 34-year old, who gave her only her first name, Siam.
A witness to the scene, Mathilde Cousin, confirmed the incident.



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