What if you knew the Victim? #IndiaCantSee #LetKashmirDecide

In a frightful crusade planned to stun people out of their obliviousness, Never Forget Pakistan made a Art work on Facebook with terrible pictures of Celebrities .

Authored as “What If You Knew the Victim? #IndiaCantSee", the campaign has been circulating around the web with its fiercely exact and painful substance.

Jibran Nasir, a lawyer and social activist based in Karachi, shared an album on his Facebook page Never Forget Pakistan late last night, containing some remarkably powerful images.The idea behind the campaign is to show people how conveniently we tend to ignore the misery of the Kashmiris but would it make the tragedy more important if we knew the people?

Just think about it. What if our favorite actor got brutally injured or murdered in cold blood? Would we still sit silently or just let the tragedy pass? The campaign, in essence, is a condemnation of the inaction of the Indian government as well as the pick and choose censor policy of Facebook that conveniently filters such mistakes and later on, term it as a mere “mistake”.

Here you can see the actual Post :



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