KARACHI: Awais Ali Shah, Son of Sindh High Court (SHC) Chief Justice Sajjad Ali Shah, was saved amid a intelligence based operation (IBO) close Tank (K-P), DG ISPR Gen Asim Bajwa brief to media on Tuesday.

Awais Ali Shah, a advocate  himself, was kidnapped a month ago from Karachi. Shah was found in Tank, which lies near the tribal area circumscribing Afghanistan where the military has been doing combating Taliban.
Three militants were killed during the operation. “Awais Shah, son of Sindh chief justice, recovered through an IBO from custody of terrorists from near Tank, three terrorists killed,” DG ISPR Asim Bajwa tweeted.
Owais Shah was brought together with his family around 9:30am. “I got a call from General Raheel Sharif at 3:00am informing me my son has been rescued,”  SHC CJ Sajjad Ali Shah said while tending to the media after being reunited with his son.



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