A toilet themed bistro where customers feast on meatballs floating in soup-filled latrines may not be everybody's concept of haute cuisine, but rather Indonesians are running to end up conscious of the most recent lavatorial trend !

Customers having a meal at the ‘Jamban Cafe’ in the city of Semarang on Java island!

Customers being served meatball soup from a squat toilet during a meal at the ‘Jamban Cafe’ in the city of Semarang on Java island

Customers having a meal at the ‘Jamban Cafe’ in the city of Semarang on Java island, a small eatery where a handful of diners sit on upright toilets around a table where food is served in two squat toilets.

Clients being served a beverage from a squat latrine amid a supper at the 'Jamban Cafe' in the city of Semarang on Java island



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