Abdul Sattar Edhi, or Maulana Edhi, is a Pakistani donor known for universal helpful work. He is the author and head of Edhi Establishment, a non-benefit social welfare program in Pakistan. Together with his significant other, Bilquis Edhi, he got the 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Recompense for Open Administration.

He is additionally the beneficiary of the Lenin Peace Prize and the Balzan Prize. In 2006, Establishment of Business Organization Pakistan gave a honoris causa level of Specialist of Social Administration for his administrations. In September 2010, Edhi was likewise recompensed a privileged level of Doctorate by the College of Bedfordshire.

Originator and Administrator The Edhi Establishment

Conceived: January 1, 1928

Calling: Social Laborer

Affiliation(s): The Edhi Establishment

Citizenship: Pakistani

Early life

Edhi was conceived in 1928 in Bantva in the Gujarat, English India.

When he was eleven, his mom got to be incapacitated and later developed rationally sick and kicked the bucket when he was 19. His own encounters made him build up an arrangement of administrations for old, rationally sick and tested individuals.

Edhi and his family relocated to Pakistan in 1947. He at first began as a pedlar, later turned into a commission specialist offering material in the wholesale market in Karachi. Following a couple of years, he built up a free dispensary with the assistance from his group. He later settled a welfare trust, "Edhi Trust".

Abdul Sattar Edhi was hitched in 1965 to Bilquis, a medical attendant who worked at the Edhi dispensary. The couple have four youngsters, two girls and two children. Bilquis runs the free maternity home at the headquarter in Karachi and sorts out the reception of illegitimate and relinquished children.

Philanthropy Work

Edhi Establishment runs the world's biggest emergency vehicle benefit and works free old individuals' homes, halfway houses, facilities, ladies' sanctuaries, and recovery habitats for medication addicts and rationally sick people. It has run alleviation operations in Africa, Center East, the Caucasus area, eastern Europe and US where it gave help taking after the New Orleans storm of 2005.

In November 2011, Edhi was prescribed for a Nobel Peace prize by the Pakistani Executive Yousaf Raza Gillani.

Individual experience

Edhi's mom kicked the bucket when he was 19. His own experience made him consider thousands and millions, enduring like his mom, around with no one to take care of them. He felt that he had a call to help these individuals.


He had a dream of chains of welfare focuses and healing centers that could be opened to reduce the agony of those affliction from sickness and disregard. He additionally thought about the in-human treatment dispensed to the rationally sick, the crazy and the impaired persons. Indeed, even at this early age, he felt by and by in charge of tackling the test of building up an arrangement of administrations to lessen human agonies. The assignment was immense; he had no assets. Be that as it may, it was something that he needed to do regardless of the fact that he needed to stroll to the lanes with a bereft of all pride to ask for this reason.

Relocated to Pakistan

Edhi and his family relocated to Pakistan in 1947. With a specific end goal to acquire his living, Abdul Sattar Edhi at first began as a pedlar, later turned into a commission specialist offering fabric in the wholesale market in Karachi. Following two or three years, he cleared out this occupation and with the backing of a few individuals from his group chose to build up a free dispensary. He got to be included in this philanthropy work.

Edhi Trust

In any case, soon his own vision of a developing and creating arrangement of diverse administrations made him choose to build up his very own welfare trust and named it "Edhi Trust". A request was made to the general population for assets. The reaction was great, and Rs. 200,000 were raised. The extent and extent of work of Edhi Trust extended with amazing velocity under the driving soul of the man behind it. A maternity home was set up and crisis rescue vehicle administration was begun. More gifts were gotten as individuals' trust in the exercises of the trust developed. With the progression of time, masses gave him the title of the "Heavenly attendant of kindness".

Bilquis Edhi

Abdul Sattat Edhi was hitched in 1965 to Bilquis, a medical attendant who worked at the Edhi dispensary. The couple have four youngsters, two girls and two children. Bilquis runs the free maternity home at the headquarter in Karachi and composes the reception of illegitimate and relinquished children. The spouse wife group has come to share the normal vision of resolute dedication to the reason for lightening of human sufferings and a feeling of moral obligation to react to every call for help, paying little respect to race, doctrine or status.

The Edhi Establishment

Edhi built up the Edhi Establishment with open gifts he got after this vaccination initiative.The establishment has formed into an association of ambulances, facilities, maternity homes, psychological well-being foundations, homes for the physically crippled, blood donation centers, halfway houses, selection focuses, funeral homes, covers for runaway kids and battered ladies, schools, nursing courses, soup kitchens and a 25-bed malignancy healing facility. It is currently the biggest social welfare system in Pakistan, has workplaces in a few nations and has embraced alleviation operations in Africa, the Center East, the Caucasus locale, eastern Europe and the US, where it gave help taking after the New Orleans typhoon of 2005.

Respects and grants

Worldwide Grants

  • Ramon Magsaysay Grant for Open Administration (1986)
  • Lenin Peace Prize (1988)
  • Paul Harris Individual from Rotatory Worldwide Establishment, (1993)
  • Biggest Willful Emergency vehicle Association of the World – Guinness Book of World Records (2000)
  • Hamdan Grant for volunteers in Helpful Restorative Administrations (2000) UAE
  • Worldwide Balzan Prize (2000) for Humankind, Peace and Fellowship, Italy
  • Privileged Doctorate degree from the Organization of Business Organization Karachi (2006).
  • UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize (2009)
  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize (2010)

National Honors
  1. Silver Celebration Shield by School of Doctors and Specialists, Pakistan, (1962–1987)
  2. The Social Specialist of Sub-Landmass by Administration of Sind, Pakistan, (1989)
  3. Nishan-e-Imtiaz, common enrichment from Legislature of Pakistan (1989)
  4. Acknowledgment of commendable administrations to mistreated humankind amid eighties by Service of Wellbeing and Social Welfare, Legislature of Pakistan, (1989)
  5. Pakistan Metro Recompense from the Pakistan Community Society (1992)
  6. Shield of Honor by Pakistan Armed force (E and C)
  7. Khidmat Honor by Pakistan Foundation of Therapeutic Sciences
  8. Human Rights Honor by Pakistan Human Rights Society



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