Meer Khan Photoshoot Where The Demons Hide
Meer khan the new face for Fahad Hussayn outfit. Its the photoshoot Where The Demons Hide. The pictures gives the real image of devil but he is not the bad guy it is a photoshoot by Alee Hassan for News Line Magazine. Once again i was amazed the theme plus the title. So i shared it with you guys. Here are the photoshoot pictures have a look below.
Meer Khan Photoshoot Where The Demons Hide
  • Where The Demons Hide
  • Publication : NEWSLINE
  • Designer : Fahad Hussayn
  • Photographed & Retouch : Alee' Hassan
  • Hair & Makeup : Hannan Siddique
  • Coordination: Umer Mushtaq
  • Model Meer Khan
Meer Khan Photoshoot Where The Demons HideMeer Khan Photoshoot Where The Demons Hide


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